Friday, February 20, 2015

Our 2015 Lenten Journey - The God We Can Know

Sunday we start a new series put out by our brothers and sisters in the United Methodist Church, a series called The God We Can Know. It is a series that explores the "I Am" sayings of Jesus in John's Gospel. You know them. The images or metaphors Jesus used to describe himself and his purpose, which is ultimately God's: I am the vine, the Good Shepherd, the way, the truth and the resurrection life, the Light, etc.

And we are engaging a church-wide focus, which means that not only are the sermons in worship oriented around each of Jesus' sayings, but also our small groups: Adult Bible studies, Children's ministries, and our Tuesday evening Lenten Vespers. It should be a really good chance for everyone to dig deep into the meaning of Jesus and God the Father more fully.

I know you will want to be present for each and every one. And I'd like you to consider inviting a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member to be with us for the entire series. Seriously, who do you know that would like to join us.

We have invited Dr. Caleb McDaniel, a friend of First Christian, and history professor at Rice University, to preach one of the sermons in the series. He will bring his insight to Jesus' saying, "I am the bread of life" on Sunday, March 1. Caleb and his wife Brandi are deeply committed to the Church of Christ, a partner with us Disciples of Christ in the Movement we have always understood to be a reformation movement within the Church universal.

So beginning this Sunday here are the weekly offerings for you to engage:

Sunday Morning Bible Studies - for both Adults and Children
9:30a (with a Nursery for babies)
Sunday Morning Worship - Messages on the "I Am" sayings of Jesus 
10:30a (Nursery for the littlest ones)
Sunday Morning Children's Worship
10:30a (children are in worship to begin)
Sunday Evening Refuge Youth Group
5-7p (with a meal)
Tuesday Evening Vespers - 5:53p-7:30
(a meal, childrens program, and nursery)

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