Thursday, August 1, 2013

A Silent Retreat Experience

Silence is God's first language. In order to hear that language, we must learn to be still and to rest in God. - Thomas Keating

My most recent post dealt with living in a world of restlessness, where our distorted desire leads us to an anxiety rooted in consumerism and radical individualism. To provide you with an opportunity to engage the spiritual practice of solitude and silence, we are providing a chance for you to dis-connect, so that you can intentionally re-connect to God.

I'd like to invite you to quiet the noisy voices of consumerism, greed, fear, and anxiety by participating in a 24-hour silent retreat in November 2013, as we are entering into the Christmas Season.

The retreat will be held at the Cenacle Retreat House in Houston. [Take a virtual tour]
The retreat will begin at 1pm on Friday, November 1 and end at 12pm on Saturday, November 2.
We will offer suggested readings, ideas for meditation, and overall guidance on how to use the time in silence.

The cost of the Silent Retreat is $95 per person, which includes overnight accommodations and meals.

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Thewalt at, or (713) 525-2561

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